2D tube

FreeFem++ algorithm for the 2D tube mesh generation and generated mesh:
Overview of the code
int nn = 10; //number of nodes by unit
real L = 5.0; //length
real D = 1.0; //diameter
int input = 1; //left side
int output = 2; //right side
int borders = 3; //borders
string filename = ""; //save name
mesh Th; //mesh
border gamma1(l=0, L){x=l; y=0.0; label = borders;};
border gamma2(l=0, D){x=L; y=l; label = output;};
border gamma3(l=0, L){x=L-l; y=D; label = borders;};
border gamma4(l=0, D){x=0; y=D-l; label = input;};
Th = buildmesh(gamma1(L*nn) + gamma2(D*nn) + gamma3(L*nn) + gamma4(D*nn));
filename = "tube_2D";
savemesh(Th, filename + ".msh");
ofstream file(filename + ".dat");
file << "L\t" << L << endl;
file << "D\t" << D << endl;
file << "E\t" << input << endl;
file << "S\t" << output << endl;
file << "B\t" << borders << endl;
plot(Th, cmm = "Number of triangles = " + Th.nt + ", Length = " + L + ", Diameter = " + D);
3D tube

FreeFem++ algorithm for the 3D tube mesh generation and generated mesh:
Overview of the code
load "msh3"
int nn = 10; //number of nodes by unit
real L = 5.0; //length
real D = 1.0; //diameter
int input = 1; //left side
int output = 2; //right side
int borders = 3; //borders
string filename = ""; //save name
mesh Baseh; //mesh 2D
mesh3 Th; //mesh 3D
//Base circle
border C(t=0,2*pi) { x = (D/2.0)*cos(t); y=(D/2.0)*sin(t); label=1;}
//Base mesh
Baseh = buildmesh(C(pi*D*nn));
//Cylinder 3D
int[int] rup=[0,output], rdown=[0,input], rmid=[1,borders];
func zmin= 0;
func zmax= L;
coef = 1.,
zbound = [zmin,zmax],
labelmid = rmid,
reffaceup = rup,
reffacelow = rdown);
filename = "tube_3D";
savemesh(Th, filename + ".mesh");
ofstream file(filename + ".dat");
file << "L\t" << L << endl;
file << "D\t" << D << endl;
file << "E\t" << input << endl;
file << "S\t" << output << endl;
file << "B\t" << borders << endl;
plot(Baseh, cmm = "Base mesh");
plot(Th, cmm = "Number of triangles = " + Th.nt + ", Length = " + L + ", Diameter = " + D);
FreeFem++ algorithm for the 2D step mesh generation and generated mesh:
Overview of the code
int nn = 10; //number of nodes by unit
real L = 10.0; //length
real Lm = 2.0; //step length
real H = 1.0; //height
real Hm = 0.5; //step height
int input = 1; //left side
int output = 2; //right side
int borders = 3; //borders
string filename = ""; //save name
mesh Th; //mesh
border gamma1m(l=0, Lm){x=l; y=Hm; label = borders;};
border gamma2m(l=0, Hm){x=Lm; y=l; label = borders;};
border gamma1(l=Lm, L){x=l; y=0.0; label = borders;};
border gamma2(l=0, H){x=L; y=l; label = output;};
border gamma3(l=0, L){x=L-l; y=H; label = borders;};
border gamma4(l=0, H-Hm){x=0; y=H-l; label = input;};
Th=buildmesh(gamma1m(Lm*nn) + gamma2m(-Hm*nn) + gamma1((L-Lm)*nn) + gamma2(H*nn) + gamma3(L*nn) + gamma4((H-Hm)*nn));
filename = "step";
savemesh(Th, filename + ".msh");
ofstream file(filename + ".dat");
file << "L\t" << L << endl;
file << "Lm\t" << Lm << endl;
file << "H\t" << H << endl;
file << "Hm\t" << Hm << endl;
file << "E\t" << input << endl;
file << "S\t" << output << endl;
file << "B\t" << borders << endl;
plot(Th, cmm = "Number of triangles = " + Th.nt + ", length = " + L + ", height = " + H);

FreeFem++ algorithm for bifurcation mesh generation and generated mesh:
Overview of the code:
real nn = 1; //number of nodes by unit
real l1 = 100.0; //first branch length
real l2 = 100.0; //second branch length
real l3 = 100.0; //third branch length
real d1 = 10.0; //first branch diameter
real d2 = 10.0; //second branch diameter
real d3 = 2.0; //third branch diameter
real alpha2 = -pi/4.; //second branch angle (-pi/2 < alpha 2 < 0)
real alpha3 = +pi/4.; //third branch angle (0 < alpha 3 < +pi/2)
int input = 1; //first branch outlet
int output2 = 2; //second branch outlet
int output3 = 3; //third branch outlet
int wall = 10; //borders
//Initial positions
real x20 = l1 + l2*cos(alpha2);
real y20 = l2*sin(alpha2);
real x30 = l1 + l3*cos(alpha3);
real y30 = d1 + l3*sin(alpha3);
real x60 = l1 + l2*cos(alpha2) + d2*cos(alpha2+pi/2);
real y60 = l2*sin(alpha2) + d2*sin(alpha2+pi/2);
real x70 = l1 + l3*cos(alpha3) + d3*cos(alpha3-pi/2);
real y70 = d1 + l3*sin(alpha3) + d3*sin(alpha3-pi/2);
//Lengths 6 and 7
real a = d1 + l3*sin(alpha3) + d3*sin(alpha3-pi/2) - l2*sin(alpha2) - d2*sin(alpha2+pi/2);
real b = l2*cos(alpha2) + d2*cos(alpha2+pi/2) - l3*cos(alpha3) - d3*cos(alpha3-pi/2);
real l7 = (a + tan(alpha2)*b)/(sin(alpha3)-tan(alpha2)*cos(alpha3));
real l6 = (b + l7*cos(alpha3))/cos(alpha2);
border gamma1(t=0, d1){x = 0; y = t; label = input;};
border gamma2(t=0, d2){x = x20 + t*cos(alpha2+pi/2); y = y20 + t*sin(alpha2+pi/2); label = output2;};
border gamma3(t=0, d3){x = x30 + t*cos(alpha3-pi/2); y = y30 + t*sin(alpha3-pi/2); label = output3;};
border gamma4(t=0, l1){x = t; y = 0; label = wall;};
border gamma5(t=0, l2){x = l1 + t*cos(alpha2); y = t*sin(alpha2); label = wall;};
border gamma6(t=0, l6){x = x60 - t*cos(alpha2); y = y60 - t*sin(alpha2); label = wall;};
border gamma7(t=0, l7){x = x70 - t*cos(alpha3); y = y70 - t*sin(alpha3); label = wall;};
border gamma8(t=0, l3){x = l1 + t*cos(alpha3); y = d1 + t*sin(alpha3); label = wall;};
border gamma9(t=0, l1){x = t; y = d1; label = wall;};
//Number of points
int nnl1 = l1*nn;
int nnl2 = l2*nn;
int nnl3 = l3*nn;
int nnd1 = d1*nn;
int nnd2 = d2*nn;
int nnd3 = d3*nn;
int nnl6 = l6*nn;
int nnl7 = l7*nn;
mesh Th = buildmesh(gamma1(-nnd1) + gamma2(nnd2) + gamma3(-nnd3) + gamma4(nnl1) + gamma5(nnl2) + gamma6(nnl6) + gamma7(-nnl7) + gamma8(-nnl3) + gamma9(-nnl1));
savemesh(Th, "bifurcation" + ".msh");
ofstream file("bifurcation" + ".dat");
file << "L1\t" << l1 << endl;
file << "L2\t" << l2 << endl;
file << "L3\t" << l3 << endl;
file << "D1\t" << d1 << endl;
file << "D2\t" << d2 << endl;
file << "D3\t" << d3 << endl;
file << "A2\t" << alpha2 << endl;
file << "A3\t" << alpha3 << endl;
file << "E\t" << input << endl;
file << "S2\t" << output2 << endl;
file << "S3\t" << output3 << endl;
file << "B\t" << wall << endl;
Cerebral venous network

This mesh is obtained using angiographic images (MRI) segmentation, so there is no FreeFem++ code to generate it.
Some explanations…
The cerebral venous network is composed by - input - veins (7-11) draining the blood into sinuses (2,3) until their confluence (4). The blood then passes into lateral sinuses (5,6) and reaches an extracranial area, composed of the - output - internal jugular veins (1). Here, we give the labels of the veins in detail:
internal jugular veins,
superior sagittal sinus,
straight sinus,
confluence of sinuses,
lateral sinuses (transverse part),
lateral sinuses (sigmoid part),
vein of Galen,
internal cerebral vein,
basilar vein,
superior cerebral veins,
superior anastomotic veins.