Ethier-Steinmann test

The exact solution of Ethier-Steinmann [ES94]is defined on \(\Omega=[-1,1\)^3] by:

\[\begin{eqnarray} u_1 &=& -a(a^{ax}\sin(ay+dz) + e^{az}\cos(ax+dy))\\ u_2 &=& -a(e^{ay}\sin(az+dx) + e^{ax}\cos(ay+dz))\\ u_3 &=& -a(e^{az}\sin(ax+dy) + e^{ay}\cos(az+dx))\\ p &=& \frac{-a^2}{2}(e^{2ax}+e^{2ay}+e^{2az}\\\nonumber && +2\sin(ax+dy)\cos(az+dx)e^{a(y+z)}\\\nonumber &&+ 2\sin(ay+dz)\cos(ax+dy)e^{a(x+z)}\\\nonumber &&+ 2\sin(az+dx)\cos(ay+dz)e^{a(x+y)}) \end{eqnarray}\]

With \(a=\frac{\pi}{4}\) and \(d=\frac{\pi}{2}\)

External forces are calculated using exact solution in the Stokes / Navier-Stokes equations.

Dirichlet conditions

The following figures allow to compare the approximated solution and the exact solution of Etheir-Steinmann, respectively for the pressure (Figure 1 and Figure 2) and velocity (Figure 3 and Figure 4 ). Visually speaking, the approximated solutions and the exact solutions are very closed.

Stokes ES P
Figure 1. Computed solution pressure on the unit cube
Stokes ES Pexact
Figure 2. Exact solution pressure on the unit cube
Stokes ES V
Figure 3. Computed solution velocity field on the unit cube on the cut y=-1.
Stokes ES Vexact
Figure 4. Exact solution velocity field on the unit cube on the cut y=-1.

FreeFem++ algorithm:

  • Stokes_ES_dirichlet.edp

  • Navier-Stokes_ES_dirichlet.edp

Mixed conditions

We compare the approximated solution and the exact solution of Etheir-Steinmann, respectively for the pressure (Figure 5 and Figure 6 ) and velocity (Figure 7 and Figure 8). Visually speaking, the approximated solutions and the exact solutions are very closed.

Stokes ES P Mixed
Figure 5. Pressure on the unit cube. Computed solution
Stokes ES Pexact Mixed
Figure 6. Pressure on the unit cube. Exact solution
Stokes ES V Mixed
Figure 7. Velocity field on the unit cube on the cut y=0. Computed solution
Stokes ES Vexact Mixed
Figure 8. Velocity field on the unit cube on the cut y=0. Exact solution

FreeFem++ algorithm:

  • Stokes_ES_mixed.edp

  • Navier-Stokes_ES_mixed.edp